The Pill Box Project
When we provide prescriptions to people, it is incredibly important to explain how to take the medications and when to take them. This is often a challenge because English may not be their primary language. Another factor is that the people we are helping may not have reliable shelter and are moving from place to place. Keeping their medications organized and protected is also important. That is why we have started the Pill Box Project.
Our goal is to provide every client with a weekly pill box organizer so that they know which days to take their pills while keeping their pills protected. This donation page is specifically for raising funds so that we can purchase weekly pill organizers in bulk to save on costs.
We serve thousands of people. We need lots of pill boxes.
Pharmacy of Grace is a 501(c)3 organization and your gift may be tax deductible (as allowed by law).
If you have any fundraising or donation questions, please contact
Thank you for your help!
Donate Online:
Please use the form below to make a secure, online donation.
Donate by Mail:
Pharmacy of Grace Pill Box Project
721 N. 31st Suite 100
Kansas City, Kansas 66102
EIN: 82-5372375