Celebrating our 2nd Anniversary


Thank you to our friends and supporters who attended our 2nd Anniversary Celebration.

Collage of pictures of supporters at our anniversary party


Pharmacy of Grace is thrilled to be celebrating our second anniversary this summer. Did you know the traditional 2nd-anniversary gift is cotton? It symbolizes both comfort and strength, which is also what we have been offering our patients for the last two years. The comfort we offer is the security of knowing that they can afford their medications without having to choose between their prescriptions and gas in their car or groceries for their family. The strength we offer is the improved quality of life every time they pick up their prescription and keep them on track to a healthier future.

SinGraphic showing rate of growth= 10,000 prescriptions filled in January 2024 and 20,000th prescription filled in August 2024 ce we opened in the summer of 2022, we have experienced incredible growth. So far this year, we have filled almost as many prescriptions from January through June as we filled in all of 2023! Back in January, we celebrated our 10,000th prescription filled, andonly seven months later in August we celebrated 20,000 prescriptions filled.

Out of 1,980totalunique patients we have served since we opened, 69% are living below the federal poverty limit.

  • 79.5% of patients are 25-65 years old
  • 60.1% Female / 39.8%  Male

The closing of Duchesne Clinic (Caritas) in Wyandotte County contributed to this growth in 2024. When the clinic closed, it sent 250 new patients and 1,000 new prescriptions to us within a few weeks. These patients were uninsured, living in poverty, and some were homeless. Our Grace Meds program was there to help them through this transition and ensure they stayed on their medications.

As we look forward, we know we will continue to grow. We’re prepared for that growth thanks to our exceptional staff. We are also excited about forming new and strengthening current community partnerships throughout the metro to serve patients. We will also be expanding our immunization program to reach more people with our immunization pharmacist hired this year (read more about that below.)

We hope you will continue with us on this journey and support us as we grow to meet the critical needs in our community.


Sara and John Yost

Founders, Pharmacy of Grace



You can read our entire second anniversary newsletter here! 

If you’d like to sign up to receive our email newsletters (sent quarterly with news and updates) you can sign up here.




Pharmacy of Grace Expanding Immunization Program

Thursday August 15th, 2024

Kansas City, KS—Pharmacy of Grace is excited to announce the expansion of its vaccine services. Thanks to the hiring of a new immunization pharmacist and generous donations, we have expanded this important service for our patients providing Flu, COVID-19, Shingles, and Herpes vaccines. 

To expand our ability to offer vaccines, we needed a new medical-grade refrigerator, which some angel donors stepped in to donate. Then the Hartley Family Foundation helped us purchase hundreds of influenza vaccines to further expand our vaccination offerings this fall. 

In January 2024, we hired a new immunization pharmacist, Brandon Powers, thanks to the Federal PAVE Grant: Pandemic Assistance and Vaccine Equity Grant project, funded by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) COVID-19 Vaccination Supplemental Funding in coordination with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supported through the coronavirus response and relief supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021. 

vaccine program: pharmacists giving immunization shotsThis award will support local efforts to increase vaccine uptake by expanding COVID-19 vaccine programs and ensuring greater equity and access to vaccines by those disproportionately affected by the pandemic, including high-risk and underserved populations such as racial and ethnic minorities and rural communities. This award does not directly support research and development.

This Pandemic Assistance and Vaccine Equity Grant program, awarded as subgrant number PAVE-71, is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $83,570,217. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor any endorsed by the CDC, HHS, the US Government or the office of the Kansas governor. For more information please visit www.cdc.gov (Revision 6/9/2023)

Grace Meds Patients ages 6 to 64 years old (patients without insurance) can qualify for free flu vaccines while supplies last. Other vaccines may be free or low cost for patients with Medicare or other insurance.

These grants and awards combined are helping us expand our ability to provide many life-saving vaccines, such as Flu, Shingles, COVID-19, and Herpes vaccinations. Brandon Powers will attend events and visit underserved communities, making sure that everyone who wants access to vaccines can get them and helping them overcome transportation and access barriers.