Entries by Pharmacy of Grace

Popularity of weight loss medications impact diabetes patients

May 30, 2024 – KSHB Channel 41 talked to several experts about heightened interest in certain diabetes medications that also help with weight loss. Pharmacist-In-Charge Michael Fink explained how the supply shortages are impacting our patients: “When we’re trying to supply a patient with these medications and they’re not available, moving to an affordable product […]

Annual Report: 2023

March 4, 2024 (Kansas City, KS) — Pharmacy of Grace is pleased to present our annual report for 2023. The data here will reveal the progress and accomplishments made possible since we opened in the summer of 2022. The data illustrates our growth and commitment to our community all made possible because of our strong team […]

Community Art Project Installed

Monday, March 4, 2024 Kansas City, KS — Back in September, we partnered with EPIC Clay Studio in Strawberry Hill KCK to work on a community art project. We asked our supporters to paint tiles for us when they came to the pharmacy for a tour, and then we asked community members to paint the […]

KSHB Features Pharmacy of Grace: One Year Later

‘My experience has been life changing’: Pharmacy of Grace serves uninsured and underinsured patients in WyCo August 16th, 2023 — KSHB-TV is featuring the Pharmacy of Grace story one year after opening. They first interviewed us more than a year ago, before we even opened our doors. (You can see that story HERE.) Now one […]